Doing SEO in Nepal is relatively easier thanks to low competition, you’ll rank well through personal efforts. However, for a sustainable process and strategic growth, you’ll need help from an SEO expert or an SEO agency in Nepal.
Before knowing SEO, you’ve got to know where traffic or readers come from your website, all of them reach your website using Google or other programs. Now the program can make any website supported certain parameters.
SEO means Search engine optimization. With its help, you can rank your post on the first page of google. SEO brings you organic traffic, which means that this traffic is absolutely free. You do not have to spend money on this. The following articles will tell you about how SEO is done.
What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
Creating your blog or website in such how that it can gain organic traffic by ranking it in good positions within the program is named SEO.
SEO in English is full-form Search Engine Optimization. This directly means optimizing your blog or website for Search Engines.
Now the matter arises that how can SEO do because everyone wants a lot of visitors to his blog or website. There are many Bloggers and Internet Marketers whose reason for success is SEO. SEO has also played an important role in the success of Tech4Nepal.
Now let’s know a little about doing SEO in Nepal. To understand this topic easily, I have written the rest of the post in Question-Answer Style. Hope you read this and get good information about SEO
Can anyone do SEO?
SEO is not difficult to do. But it’s Somehow difficult in Nepal due to lack of Knowledge. But If you will keep everything in mind and know some tips, then you too can easily get high organic traffic by SEO in Nepal.
Some important factors of SEO
There are many factors that we can keep in mind so that we can optimize our blog or website for Search Engines. Some of the important factors are:
- Quality of Content
- Use Keywords with Content
- Hyperlinking
- Backlinks
- Domain Name And Hosting
- Permalinks
- Plagiarism Checking
And Many More…
What are the types of SEO?
Generally, there are 2 types of SEO.
1. On-Page SEO: This means that you work on top of your site to make it better ranked in search engines such as content quality, keyword optimization, title, tags, etc.
2. Off-page SEO: In this, you mostly do link building activities such as forums, social media sharing, and promotion, guest posting, etc.
Some more facts about SEO in Nepal?
SEO is a very vast topic. It is so important that there are many people and companies that offer SEO services and do it like a business. If you want to make your blog less successful then SEO can help you a lot. 70% of Tech4Nepal is Organic Traffic
What is a search engine?
There is a huge repository of information on the Internet, there are millions of websites and Blog Daily updates, in such a situation, if you want to search any information, then it is impossible to access it without the search engine. A search engine is the easiest way to search for information on the Internet. Are made to search by Keyword, with the help of a search engine, any person can reach an exact topic in a short time.
What is Keyword in SEO in Nepal?
When you put a Query on the search engine, it is called keywords. With the help of these keywords, the search engine reaches your blog or website. There are keywords related to the article. If I say indirect language, every word is a Keyword. Google indexes every page. When someone types the keywords related to it in the search engine, then that keyword in the search engine indexed website Matches it and gives the result to the user on the basis of that, then in this way any person can reach your website through the search engine.
Top Benefits of SEO
Search Engine is a medium in which you can make your blog or website accessible to people without spending a single rupee and it plays the biggest role in Search Engine Optimization
But this does not mean that search engine optimization is some magic, it is a process that can bring your blog to Search Engine, but the quality of your content is also very important.
SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”
Search engine optimization or SEO is a process that optimizes your blog or website to make it compatible with Search Engine so that your blog can make its place in Search Engine. For this, first of all, we have to understand Search Engine
Why SEO is Important for a Blog or Websites in Nepal?
SEO in Nepal is Much Important. Suppose you write a blog related to Recipe and you also publish very high-quality content, but you do not follow the rules on the basis of which a search engine can reach your website, then there will be no use to create your blog.
What is crawling?
It is very important to understand here that first of all, your blog reads a software called (crawler) Crawler and this process is called Crawling or Spidering. The bot will read new updates made on your blog only when they are written on the basis of SEO, it will reach a result only after reading the keywords given in them.
But what if Google bot could not even read your very good article because you have not done SEO for your page, your page is not compatible with the search engine, then writing any good article of yours is useless, search engine optimization is your website or One way to make the blog better for the search engine is that you can bring your website to the top result in Google Search, even sometimes your blog can be in Google’s first search result so that the number of visitors to your blog Increases as well as the popularity of your blog
On-page Search Engine Optimization
For every article you write, you create a web page and many such web pages are on your website, by linking all these web pages, a blog or website is made while writing the article, you on On-page search engine optimization By using, every page can be brought to the high ranking in the search engine
On-Page SEO means making the design of your blog more user friendly than how you use all the keywords to create high-quality content that Google Bot can easily identify and index in Search Engines.
Write High-Quality Content
High-Quality Content means that whatever information you are giving is written properly, there should not be any Grammatical Mistake in it. The article should be at least 500 to 1000 words written in your own language and not copy from the Internet. Paste has been done in the article, Keyword should not have been forcefully used, it makes its point completely meaningful.
In the article H1 for Title and H2 for Heading and Sub Heading, H3 Tag would have been used. The article should also contain links to other pages of your blog so that the user does not have any inconvenience to navigate through the blog.
Focus on website speed
The speed of your website matters a lot in SEO. If you are searching for a website on Google itself, then open only 4 to 5 websites, assuming it includes your blog, which has Speed Slow and another result of your competitor. Which is soon open from your blog, then in such a situation, any user will wait 4 to 5 second and if your blog is not open then it will leave and go and if the search engine notices this, then the difference here is not from this It seems that the difference in how good your articles were is that whether your blog is opened soon or not.
Make Website Navigation Easy
Navigation of the website should be very easy, the page should be linked in such a way that the visitor does not have any problem in going from one page to another.
The Title of the Page Should Be Amazing
The title of the page should be similar to “Sagar in Gagar”. The first sight of any Visitor falls on your title only when he sees it in the search engine. This title should also have a Focus keyword. The focus keyword is the keyword for which the subject But your article has been written, so definitely make a practice to make a better page title.
Create an Effective Website URL
There is a URL for every page which helps you to get indexed in any search engine. This URL should be short and effective as well as should be equipped with a Focus keyword.
Create attractive images with Alt Tag.
When someone searches from Google Image for the first time, the image of your blog post appears there, this image will be as attractive as it is, as well as ALT Tag must be used in this image so that Google bot will know that this image Is about.
Which Image Format to use?
Currently, according to SCO, it is very important to have the next-gen image format on your blog and website, this increases the speed of your blog and also increases the blog ranking, to create the next-gen image format from the online image converter to JPG or Convert PNG file to WebP format
On-page SEO In Nepal, you have already understood how it can make your blog search engine friendly.
Off-page SEO in Nepal
Off-page SEO’s work is similar to marketing in a way in which you have to make the blog accessible to visitors through other means, it is also called making backlink, here you promote your blog on other websites or on a popular website. Go and make Backlink, traffic starts coming to the website through these backlinks. Let us know what are the methods of Offpage SEO.
Do Social Media Marketing
Here you can bring visitors to your blog post through social media websites, first create your account on the most popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, Linkedin, etc. Then submit the URL of your post on these websites like- As your followers will increase, the traffic on your website will also increase.
Write/Allow Guest Post
This is a way in which you submit your article to another blog and from there take backlink for your blog. A backlink is a type of hyperlink on which a person can click on your blog by clicking.
Do Question & Answer (Q&A)
There are currently a lot of Question & Answer Websites where people ask questions while answering, you can submit a link to your blog. Examples of the Q&A Website are as follows.
Use Blog Comment
You can comment on the blog related to the topic of your blog and can give backlink there, this is also a good way to bring traffic to your blog.
Free basic SEO Tools in Nepal and Complete Information About Them
Now let’s talk about free tools, which are the tools that are good for SEO of your blog or website.
SEO Tools that can be used for free
1. Google PageSpeed Insights
With the help of this Google tool, you can easily check the speed of your website. It is important for every website that is how much time it loads.
If she is taking more time then the user can get hurt then you check the speed of your website and see if they are mobile-friendly. It is very important for any website to be mobile-friendly. Read this article and know how you can reduce website loading time.
You can get quite 700+ good keyword ideas from your single keyword too. So this SEO tool is extremely good for you, if you tell use it, then you only need to enter a keyword, you’ll give many suggestions and long-tail opportunities in order that you’ll select keywords consistent with yourself.
Another like this: Ubersuggest
3. Google Analytics
With its help, you know that the traffic coming to your blog is coming from where are the new users and how many are returning users. It also tells you about the bounce rate and how much it is.
You get all the information about your user such as city, country, which system is using and you can know a lot.
4. Google Webmaster Tools + Bing Webmaster Tools
With the webmaster tool, you can index the sitemap of your website. You can know how many URLs of your website is indexed and what is search traffic. Both are very easy if you have to do it by Google’s webmaster, then we have written about it. You can read them. This will help you to generate SEO in Nepal
5. Google Keyword Planner
From you, you will know how much monthly search is done on the keyword from the cone and there is competition on it so that you can keyword it according to yourself. You will definitely benefit from the keyword with work competition.
6. Google Trends
I like this tool very much because with this tool you can know what is being searched in google right now in Trend. o by using that keyword, you’ll produce some good content, you’ll benefit greatly. Your content created by Sayed should also come on the first page of Google and you will get a lot of free traffic. This Tool Doesn’t work for SEO in Nepal.
7. Schema Creator
You can customize the search result of your website by itself, that is how the search result will look in google. If you have given a review, then you can show a review rating star in it and you have created schema code, then just paste it on your website. You can also use the plugin of this WordPress for easy implementation.
8. SimilarWeb
With this tool you can compare the traffic of any two websites, that is, you can monitor and compare and compare your competitor.
9. XML sitemaps
Simply enter the URL of your website and this tool will give you the sitemap of your website, then you can insert it into the webmaster. You can make a sitemap of any website very easy.
10. Find Broken Links
You will find errors coming on your website for you so that you can remove that Broken link and solve the error. This is a Free Tool From ah free site.
11. Ahrefs’ Site Explorer and Backlink Checker
You can check the backlinks of your website and you will also get information about referring pages and inbound links. So this is a very useful tool, you must know how many backlinks your website has.
Top 10 Myths about SEO in Nepal
If you’re a blogger then you’ll always be struggling to bring traffic to your blog or website. you recognize that to bring traffic from program to your blog, you’ve got to try to SEO in Nepal(Search Engine Optimization) for your blog. So now once you do research on many various SEO related blogs about ways of doing it, various things are told to you everywhere. Now, what things are right or not, it depends on your own understanding and knowledge.
Let’s still have some myths that mislead people without reference to SEO. Today we’ll mention similar things during this article.
So let’s realize the highest 10 Myths about SEO In Nepal which we hear from different people. Between these points, we’ve taken links to our other articles, which you’ll follow and learn more about that particular topic.
1. Meta tags don’t matter
There was a time when the ranking of various sites within the program depended only on meta tags like meta title, meta description, and tags. But that point was way back. As advancements are made in technology, the search engine sites are beginning to rank consistent with the standard of the content and therefore the needs of the people rather than meta tags. In such a situation, many of us will tell you that you simply should stop using Meta tags.
But this is able to be very bad advice about SEO. albeit the importance of meta tags isn’t the maximum amount as before, but even today, they also matter tons. So my suggestion for you’d be that you simply should use meta tags in every post.
2. Traffic will come to your blog just for taking the .com domain
This is a really big myth and it’s vital to burst it. it’s suggested on most blogs that you simply only take a .com domain for your blog or website and aside from this, if you’re taking another domain, traffic won’t come on your blog. this is often not the case in the least.
Whatever domain extension you’re taking, it’s nothing to try to to with traffic from the program. Domain extension means more for your customers or visitors. The thing is that you simply should get a website name extension that will be easily remembered within the minds of individuals. Now usually, once you put .com with all websites, .com is settled in people’s minds. But this doesn’t mean that traffic won’t come on other domain extensions like .np, .in, .co, .org, etc. Their value is like .com. Domains like .np are sometimes better than .com for country-specific websites.
3. Backlinking or internal linking doesn’t matter
Nowadays many of us will offer you very detailed suggestions about the content, but together you’ll say that backlinking or internal linking doesn’t matter because Content is that the King. I agree that content is king, but if you are doing internal linking and backlinking during a natural way, then it’s a plus point of the standard of your content. Therefore it’s also a myth that you simply don’t get any SEO to enjoy backlinking or internal linking.
4. Hiring an SEO Agency will increase your blog ranking
It is also an enormous myth that if you hire an SEO agency in Nepal to try to SEO for your blog or website, then the ranking of your blog will increase. this is often not in the least sure. Yes, I don’t even say that you simply won’t benefit. Some agencies are right, then assist you to SEO your blog. But see SEO may be a time consuming and future result giving process, so in such a situation you’ll not get any enjoy hiring an SEO agency. you’ll still be exerting.
5. Doing keyword research does nothing
Many people do not do keyword research and those who write on their blog as content and then sit and see why the traffic is not coming to their blog. Now think for yourself if you will write something on your blog that people are not searching for, then where will the traffic on your blog come from?
6. Your blog rankings also will be good with Paid Search.
Many digital marketers will tell you that if you advertise through Google’s paid search campaigns like Google Adwords, then the web site you advertise will provide its program benefits and its ranking also will increase.
Do you seriously think that Google will do this? Google says that its intent is: See what people want, all else will follow themselves. In any case in Google search results, only good results will show which it decides with its algorithms. In such a situation, albeit you are doing paid campaigns, you’ll not get any organic search benefit in the least.
7. Guest Blogging does nothing
To do SEO in Nepal, people also do many black hat methods like guest posting on irrelevant blogs, creating spam backlinks, etc. In such a situation, people that create natural backlinks by guest blogging within the right way, then somewhere in their mind, if they’re guest blogging, they’ll even be treated as spam and should not get any enjoy them. Ho. See, this is often not so in the least, if you are doing guest posting within the natural way within the right way, then you’ll definitely have benefits.
8. Social Media sharing doesn’t matter
Now once you mention bringing traffic from the program, many of us think that social media has nothing to try to to with it and social media sharing won’t have any benefit in SEO. this is often also a really big myth.
Let’s finally burst this myth too. even as the standard of backlinks your blogs have, it gets its benefit, similarly the more social media are going to be shared thereon, its benefit is additionally definitely available, and social media sharing is one among the main factors of program ranking. that’s why you create sure that you simply keep sharing options in your blog posts in order that your readers can share posts and signals are often strong on your social media.
9. More content length results in more traffic
More content may be a plus point for SEO, but it doesn’t mean that if you’ve got more content then only you’ll be ready to rank on the primary number. alongside more content, its quality, and lots of other factors are what matter. By writing more content or writing more posts, you’ll not be ready to achieve anything.
10. The new the content, the upper it’ll rank
As things are innovated, the content also becomes old and in its place, new content is required. Now as if someone’s blog content is 2-3 years old, but he’s still ranking the first number, it doesn’t mean that if you write a replacement content and publish it, your content is going to be ranked.
However, the content of the blog that’s now ranking first is old, but there are more factors that are plus points for that blog in ranking first. that’s why by renewing the content only, nothing happens.
How did you wish for our article? don’t forget to share these myths together with your blogger friends on social media. (See! We also advise our readers to share articles on social media.) If you’ve got any questions, then you want to ask us through comments. Is there another SEO myth that you simply think is vital to burst?
Now it’s time to talk about Popular Seo Tools In Nepal
SEMRUSH Popular SEO Tool In Nepal
SEMRUSH may be a favorite program tool for several bloggers or Internet Marketers.
You will find many articles about it on Tech4Nepal, in which it has been told how to use it in Content Marketing and SEO. I highly recommend you to read those articles.
One reason why many Nepali Bloggers or Marketers do not use SEMRUSH is that it does not have a Nepali database. But about a year ago SEMRUSH has added Google Search Nepal Database and which is great news for Nepali Publishers and Nepal’s SEO Industry.
In this guide, I will tell you how to use the new Google Nepal Search Database for your benefit.
How to use Google Search Nepal Database for your benefit:
It would be great if you also open SEMRUSH together, and read this guide as well. You can use their free account with some limitations, or you can grab their pro-account for 14 days free with this link. (Verification will require a credit card. If you do not wish to renew, you can cancel your account within 14 days, and you will not be charged for anything.)
Check the domain keywords rankings of your competitors in Nepal:
One feature of SEMRUSH is that with this you can check the keywords ranking of your domain and the rankings of any other domain irrespective of the country. Now from Nepali Database, you can see which keywords from your domain or which rankings are the keywords of your competitor.
Find Profitable Keywords
SEMRUSH also makes it easy for a non-technical user to find relevant and valuable keywords. You can add any domain like,, etc. And you can know which keywords they rank on. This is the easiest way for Nepali startups and upcoming e-commerce sites, they can perform well by tapping the existing profitable keywords of their competitors or popular Nepali sites.
Also, you can quickly find the latest keywords and long-tail keywords. You should always choose long-tail keywords as they are very effective in bringing highly targeted traffic. Here is an example of a long-tail keyword (phrase match keywords) for target keywords, “online shopping sites“.
Check the performance of any site in Google Nepali Search:
You can also see how a site is performing in Google Nepal Search, whether it’s your own site or one among your competitor. It gives a superb overview of the past and current situation of your site. This feature shows a graph that shows the visibility of the site’s keywords within the program.
See live ad copies for any keywords or domains:
These particular features are going to be used and appreciated by marketers, affiliates, and Internet marketing companies. you’ll see copies of ads that are running live by Google AdWords for your targeted keywords.
This is where things get interesting because an advertiser can save tons of cash by tapping ad copies employed by popular companies. you’ll see ad copies employed by any domain in
SEMRUSH offers more features, which makes it an entire SEO suite, which you’ll use today. These are other features that you simply can explore yourself:
- Domain SEO Audit
- Backlink Checker
- Keyboard Position Tracker
- Keyword Difficulty Checker
- Domain vs. Domain comparison
Hope you have understood how SEO in Nepal can take your blog to a new height, these are the ways that it tells you how to design your blog, Blog Content, and Blog Marketing. How did you feel about this information about Search Engine Optimization, we will definitely tell you by commenting, if this information is useful, then share it with your friends, we will always bring such information, have a nice day.
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